
Artist friends, Birch Trees, en plein air, Process, Sketchbook, Traveling Artist

En Plein Air with Friends

A few weeks ago I had the wonderful experience of creating artwork en plein air with two wonderful ladies! Lynn Adams is an amazing jewelry designer, metal smith & enamallist from Lyme, NH. She is one of the founders of Collective – the Art of Craft in Woodstock, VT. We met last year at the VINS en Plein Air Festival and have since become art friends. Jo Tate is a wonderful watercolor artist & teacher. She has had shows all over the Upper Valley. This was our first time meeting, and we became fast friends.

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Birch Trees, Process

Branching Out

After I started painting winter beech leaves I wanted to BRANCH out and try painting spring time leaves. I start with my delicate pen work, then add layers of paint to give the leaves some shape. I really enjoy adding green to my paintings. I tend to like painting winter birches, I love the grey and subtle peach tones against the blue sky. Adding green was a little out of my comfort zone at first, but I am really enjoying the life it brings to my paintings.

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Artist Couple, Beech Leaves, Process


One of my favorite things about the winter is finding color interrupting the white landscape. Beech leaves cling to their branches, like golden pieces of confetti not ready to fall to the ground. Some are curled up almost like they are protecting themselves against the cold. Others are spread wide and inviting the wind to catch them so they can dance and flutter. Some have had a rough winter, losing pieces of themselves, all of them are survivors. I especially love to paint the ones with “imperfections”, they are all so beautiful, but the ones who have been bruised and ripped are by far my favorite.

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End of Winter – Windsor Birch

I love painting birches in winter. Any color that they may have from scrapes or peeling bark really pops against the white. I was hoping to capture the feel of the cold air in my painting. Hopefully getting the viewer to feel the chill. When I am matting and framing a painting I will use painters tape to keep the piece a 1/4″ smaller all around. I do this so that you see the entire work, I don’t like to have anything cut off by the mat.

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Artist Couple, Process

Lyme, NH Birches

Here is a look at my Lyme, NH birches watercolor. When I paint I use real trees to paint from, I learn something new from each tree I paint. I like to know that these trees are out there, and that I happened to stumble upon them. This piece is 6″x12″, mounted on wood panel & has an oak frame made by Alex. I am so excited that this piece sold at the Quechee Balloon Festival this year. This is one of my favorite pieces I have ever done!

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