About Amy

Amy is a native Vermonter, originally from Chelsea she grew up nestled on top of a hill overlooking the valley below. She was surrounded by nature and adventure. She graduated from Randolph Union High School with a passion for art. She went onto college at the University of Maine in Orono majoring in fine art with a focus in sculpture & painting. After Graduation with a BFA from Umaine, she moved back to Vermont with her Mainer husband. They are living in Windsor, Vermont with their two dogs and two bunnies. When she is not creating art Amy loves to travel, hike, garden and spend time with family.

I love painting with watercolor. When I first started working with the medium is made me nervous not to be able to control it, then in time I learned to love the uncontrollable chaos of it. I use pen to put in the fine details then go over with watercolor. I mix my paint loosely so that it separated slightly giving the painting texture. I love to paint natural things, birches, dead beech leaves, waterfalls, plants, stones, it allows me to be freer in my painting style, nothing ever looks the exactly the same in nature. You can fall in love with the imperfect. A flower missing a metal, a tree with a broken branch, these are what I like to find and focus on. Painting in nature is always exciting and exploring it is my passion.
Amy Hook-Therrien